Mobile Technology refers to technology that is portable, a device that you can carry around with you to perform various tasks (Daichendt, 2018). These may include, cell phones, laptops, tablets, GPS navigation system and much more. Then how is mobile technology and social media related? To further expand on that question, this blog displays 3 different topics to predict the future for the year 2030: How mobile technology will have an impact on social media in schools in 2030, how mobile technology will change social media in 2030, and lastly how mobile technology will change the way we look at social media in 2030. Please feel free to comment on the posts!
How Mobile Technology will Change the Way We Look at Social Media in 2030
How life has changed from 1996 to 2017, how do you think mobile technology will change the way we look at social media 2030?
This video is showing how mobile technology has changed are life and social media. Do you think it will continue to change over time, and if so how?

(Jerzard, n.d.)
By Amaresh Debata
This photo in this website really shows how mobile technology will impact social media. Media will be through mobile technology (cell phones, Ipads, etc), instead of talking to a real human, we will be talking to robots instead. Communication through social media instead of human to human interactions.
By: Amaresh Debata
This video shows how mobile Technology will change social media and how things will change from today to the future. It shows how we will better be able to communicate with others, and how social media and technology will allow us to interact with people all over the world.
What Will it Look Like in 2030?

By: Gloria Seok
As videos are increasingly becoming popular on social media sites, more mobile technology will be required. As this popularity started in late 2016, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook has started a feature where you can broadcast live videos, or stories. The camera is an importance to these social media sites, and we will most likely see them evolve (Kulkarni, 2017). The following link provided is an article that explains the 11 ways social media will evolve:
By: Victoria Noble
Below is an infographic from total costumer that nicely explains the evolution of social media since the beginning, to the present day, and what it is predicted to look like in the near future. This helps us to see how we are evolving ever so rapidly in the online world and can help us make future predictions based from where we started to where are future in social media and mobile tech will be (Highfield, 2014).

By: Farah Tahir
The video games in the past was so simple and in black and white colours .The games are starting to move from their black and white looks to add colors and then the models and then reached the stage of the 3d and 4d where the phone can be connected to a device that enables you to live the adventure or the game and to feel that you live in Inside the game. So, after a years the revolution will keep moving to make the world of video games more realistic.
By: Victoria Noble
In a post by Jay Shemenski, he explains how visual content rules social media and mobile technology, “the amount of visual content shared daily has grown to 3 billion images and 10 billion videos between Snapchat, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp-all but one of which are owned by Facebook. Video is further projected to account for 75% of mobile traffic by 2020” (Shemenski, 2016). He also explained that as this kind of pattern continues, the visual apps like Snapchat and Facebook will gain more attention and the visual content of these apps will become much more significant across social channels (Shemenski, 2016). See below the graph that Jay provides on how this is comparable to years before and just think about how this will be even higher when we reach the future of 2030.

By: Farah Tahir
Mobile devices allows users to be more engaged in social life, especially after the incorporation of multi social media content as suggested by AJ Agrawal. Users are able to share their photos in Facebook and Instagram instantaneously. This is not only a great tool to get the attention for a specific topic. But, an enjoyment source too.
How Mobile Technology will have an Impact on Social Media in Schools in 2030
By: Jena Travis
How Mobile Technology Impact on Labs in the School?
By: Farah Tahir
Mobile devices helped student to search for scientific dictionaries, and access knowledge with few finger tips. It is fascinating how the students can search for any topic that they are not very aware of to gain more instant information.
Are Mobile Phones Beneficial in the Classroom?

By: Gloria Seok
As this may be a very controversial topic, many researches have discussed the benefits of having mobile technology in the classroom. In an article, it states that having mobile technology makes it easier for both the teacher and the students as well as the families because of the connection from uploading marks, comments and much more. In addition, Russell also quotes the teacher on their perspective stating: “Each of his students [primarily 9th and 10th graders] had a file in this program … this was helpful to Steven when conducting formal and informal parent-teacher conferences and also when discussing with other teachers and administration.”
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